​Back40Tattoo Academy llc​
​Back40Tattoo Academy llc​
165 Main St, Mount Angel, OR 97362

Continued Education
Oregon State Certified Accredited Hours
To sign up for a class.
Please email Eruditionink@gmail.com
Attn: C.E.U and the date.
We will invoice you prior to attendance.
$60Per Accredited Class Hour.
$300 1 on 1 Tutoring-shadowing
(5hr credit).
Line-work, Shading, Color Saturation. Marketing, Tricks of the Trade, or a subject of an individuals need.
*$25 additional supply fee for courses providing art supplies.
Group classes available:
Best Basic Business Marketing Practices for the Independent Tattooist.
This class covers it all for the new lic holder or the new shop owner. Marketing, how to build your business and name. Ideas to increase traffic to your brand. How to get that referral train going.
Skin variables and the art Cover-ups.
Cover-ups & re-vamps on even the most difficult of skin variables.
Taking your covers to a new level.
How to have a better discussion with clients on what is possible and what is not.
*The use of variable mediums in the art of color theory and saturation.
This is a hands-on artistic course for medium of choice. Possibilities are: Charcoal, Watercolor, Acrylic, Color Pencil, Clay. Teaches Shading, Color and lighting techniques. A moment for an artist to zen and come back to basics.
*Hours listed per course are the accredited hours given.
Actual class length time will vary based on location and participation.
The Legal stuff...
Oregon Health Authority
Continuing Education for Tattoo License
(1) To maintain licensure, a tattoo license holder must complete a minimum of 10 hours of satisfactory continuing education every year.
(2) A tattoo license holder must document compliance with the continuing education requirement through attestation on the license renewal application. Licensees will be subject to the provisions of OAR 331-915-0060 pertaining to periodic audit of continuing education.
(3) Satisfactory continuing education must be obtained as follows:
(a) Five hours must be obtained by participation in or attendance at a course provided by:
(A) Institutions or programs accredited by a federally recognized accrediting agency;
(B) Institutions or programs approved by an Office within the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission;
(C) An organization offering continuing medical education opportunities, including Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education;
(D) Any additional board approved professional organization, or association, hospital, or health care clinic offering continuing education related to subject matter listed in (4) of this rule.
(b) Five hours may be self-study, where subject matter meets the requirements under subsection (4) of this rule, which may include the following:
(A) Correspondence courses including online courses through completion and certification by an approved national home study organization;
(B) Review of publications, textbooks, printed material, or audio cassette(s);
(C) Viewing of films, videos, or slides;
(4) The subject matter of the continuing education must be specifically related to tattooing. As outlined in the approved course of study under OAR 331-915-0005(4). Continuing education may include the laws and rules regulating licensed tattooists, safety and sterilization, color theory, design, art and placement, client services, and business operations.
(5) Continuing education is required for renewal, every year, even if the license has been inactive or suspended.
(6) Obtaining and maintaining proof of participation in required continuing education is the responsibility of the licensee. The licensee must ensure that adequate proof of attainment of required continuing education is available for audit or investigation or when otherwise requested by the Office. Adequate proof of participation is listed under OAR 331-915-0060(3).
(7) Documentation of participation in continuing education requirements must be maintained for a period of five years following renewal, and must be available to the Office upon request.
(8) Current training and certification in CPR, First Aid, and Blood borne pathogens is a condition of renewal and is not eligible for continuing education credit.
(9) A tattoo license holder may carry up to 8 hours of excess continuing education hours forward to the next renewal cycle.
(10) For the purpose of this rule continuing education hours mean actual academic, classroom, or course work time, including but not limited to workshops, symposiums, or seminars. Continuing education hours do not include travel time to or from the training site, registration or check-in periods, breaks or lunch periods.
Continued Education in the art and techniques of tattooing